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  • Jimmy Ray

The Blast Furnace Hides Bones

do you like scary stories?


Running...labored breathing

blood-stained floor, slip

cracked hip, table corner

Splinter, slither...SLASH!


He's right on my ass!

Bend the dream

get me the fuck out! the garden of stones

The blast furnace hides bones.

Skin mask, slip--slipping!

tripping steel stairs

Big hand, too BIG! ...psycho man

Fucking maniac!

...and I'm all alone

The blast furnace hides bones.

Cellar reach

bleached skin, ghost white

running blind, losing sight

Legs blunted, shunted.

Dial 911! ...hear the tone

The blast furnace hides bones.

Disconnected!  Wire cut!

In a rut, no way out.

Root cellar floor

dry with age...and drought.

Haute' cuisine?

scene of a cannibal,

No Hannibal...

lecherous just the same.

Outlandish, unknown

The blast furnace hides bones.

HEAVY boots...thudding death

size thirteens, green

...with mossy residue...


Can't cry...can't scream

can't wake from this fucking dream.

His breathing...

A monotonous drone.

The blast furnace hides bones.

Staggering haggard

into the tunnels of his prey

Oh Fuck!  He's here!!!

Quiet now....shhhhh...must not breathe

must be quiet

as the night is to stone

The blast furnace hides bones.

I see...his victims

rictus of corpses

laid and splayed, on display

Strippers stripped of hips

thighs enveloped, flies


deep cavities...

his levels of depravity are sick

I shudder as I hide, alone

The blast furnace hides bones.



He's right here!

I play dead...He speaks:

"Run little worm of a man, you cannot stand the torment in store for the whores of society like you...

wretched little insects, your vortex of pain will stretch to the hardcore of the core...evermore.

Play dead, your head will paint my walls, your scent of fear is queer and pungent...I smell you.

and the god of which you pray cannot save the day for you will crumble on my alter of death...

I will embrace you my wretch, as you are stretched on my won't die alone...

My blast furnace will hide your bones"



filled her with knife steel

the feel of the blade

forbade in realms of normalcy

dormant seas of bloodlust

must escape before trussed

the pestle of cracked stone

The blast furnace hides bones

Ducking pipes...snipe hunt

for real...bleeding where cut

stumbling myriad hallways

fumbling, tumbling crawlspace

blood drenched catacombs

and the blast furnace hides bones!






Thank God just a bad dream

Oh now I'm shivering...

quivering here on the bed...

what the hell was that dream

...I just had?

Can't...can't remember

Something about...?

I just don't know

but the wind outside is cold

I must wake her...tell her.

Wait...root cellar?  furnace?

That's it!  I must not forget.

The blast furnace must be emptied

Freed of the bonds of night terrors

I descend to the cellar.

The blast furnace hides bones...

and there is so much work to do yet...








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