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  • Jimmy Ray

REEL HORROR TOP 20 Horror films of 2019!!! Finally!

2019 was a doozy for horror movies. While I don't think it was a banner year it still yielded some greats as well as some disappointments. Be forewarned there were a lot I didn't see so if a really good one did not make my list this is probably why. Well here goes, with no apologies or regrets and a reminder these are just my opinions and I welcome any and all feedback. In reverse order...

First...some honorable mentions!

RATTLESNAKE is a cool, tale of a woman who may have to kill to save her daughter from a snakebite wound. Octavia Spencer shines as MA in the good if uneven horror flick about an unhinged woman. THE PERFECTION, another Netflix gem features dueling violinists in a twisted tale. Strangers must find their way out of an ESCAPE ROOM in this inventive thriller. In COUNTDOWN, an app determines your day of death, with crazy results. POLAROID, may have it's share of tropes but is a fun tale anyway about a camera that seems to determine death.

20. The Shed (3/5)

Very inventive indie monster flick that just misses the mark of greatness but still impresses with it's visuals and originality. Despite my low(ish) score I truly liked this one.

19. The Lighthouse (3/5)

I know I'm bound to get some flack here but honestly, I just don't get it. Robert Eggers takes a downturn in my opinion from the phenomenal WITCH with this tale of seclusion and despair. Despite some snarky dialogue and strong performances from the characters I was pretty bored with this and the ending was abysmal. Still, I must recognize the visual flair and the efforts Eggers put in with and give it it's due. Note: the fact that this film made my top 20 illustrates at least for me, the lack of great horror titles to flesh out my list.

18. Pet Semetary (3.5/5)

Another surprise but the other way. I went in ready to truly hate this one as a true fan of Mary Lambert's original vision and came away quite surprised. I think many hated on this one without giving it a real chance but the visuals are stunning and the retelling is well wrought. Many were also turned off by the surprise change-up twist but I found it actually more sensible than the original. Only drawback for me was the weird, cheesy ending.

17. IT: Chapter 2 (3.5/5)

Not really much to say here. The logical conclusion to IT blunders and blusters around somewhat repetitively flirting with tropes and retaining only a degree of the original's charm and mysteriousness. On the plus side the adult cast versions of the kids works quite well and there are some creepy moments such as the origin of Pennywise(?) all in all making for a pretty decent film. I still think this one should have been a series.

16. Nightmare Cinema (3.5/5)

As with almost ALL anthologies, this is a hit and miss affair but there are some gems to be found for sure. "The Thing in the Woods" directed by Alejandro Brugues is the standout story here. A gleefully gory, campy ode to slashers that takes a cool, unexpected twist. My only complaint here is Mickey Rourke as "The Projectionist" in the wrap around story that adds absolutely nothing to the festivities.

15. In The Tall Grass (3.5/5)

Yet another film (based on a Stephen King story) that got a ton of hate but I liked it. It seems the common thread gripe was undeveloped characters and things just not making sense but for me this played out like a movie length Twilight Zone episode. In that regard I was able to swallow the wild premise and enjoy the crazy ride. A wild jaunt it is with plenty of bizarre moments and a welcome turn by Patrick Wilson in an against type, maniacal performance.

14. Villains (3.5)

This kooky horror comedy benefits greatly from an underlying sense of dread despite the outlandish scenario. Also very great to see the amazing Bill Skaarsgard in a cool non-Pennywise performance. Don't take this one too seriously, kick back and just be entertained.

13. Bloodline (3.5/5)

I was a little on the fence here as the production and execution of this one leaves something to be desired but seeing the famous American Pie alumni, Steven Stifler (Seann William Scott) portray a believable if somewhat unhinged anti-hero is worth the price of admission alone. A good film that should have been great but still retains the fun factor.

12. Daniel Isn't Real (3.5/5)

While I truly despised both male lead's performances here and felt they held the film back from greatness, the story development and production for an indie is top notch. Ignore the goofy looks and stupid dialogue and sink your teeth into some scenes that will burn into your memory.

11. Little Monsters (3.5/5)

I differ from my buddy, Luca Pincelli on this one in that he liked the beginning but not the end of this crazy film. For me the movie started slow with an uneven mix of music and crass humor, but by the time the third and final act rolled in I was loving it. What was at first cheesy and dumb became a film of great charm mixing music, humor, emotion, and a bang up finale all done tongue in cheek of course. The singular strength here is Lupita Nyong'o who is an absolute revelation and a true beauty as well.

10. Happy Death Day 2 U (3.5/5)

First off, I absolutely loved the first film, but how could the filmmakers find a way to continue Tree Gilbman's ground hog day horror misadventure? Well they did and while it lacks the panache and punch of the original it is still a fun ride to say the least and attempts to explain why the events happened in the first place. Jessica Rothe is charming as ever and truly gets inside her character. Warning: Don't even attempt to watch this one if you haven't seen the first film as this is a true part 2 continuation.

9. Midsommar (3.5/5)

Is it guff time yet? Sure I'll get plenty for this...Midsommar is just too long. Please understand, I liked the movie a lot and I have no problem with long run times. This IS pure horror in an epic, earthy sense and much of it is polarizing. There is a bizarre "ritual" scene that lasts too long but my real issue here are the first 25 minutes or so strictly establishing that the lead characters have a "troubled" relationship and the boyfriend is a real dickhead. Trim that up and this would be better and faster. Either way filmmaker Ari Astor with his second film has found a common theme...he confounds viewers which is not a bad thing. Midsommar is like nothing else this year and it is deep as an artisian well. I recommend it.

8. Doctor Sleep (4/5)

Not a big fan of The Shining (don't hit me!) basically due to Kubrick's snail pacing and overlingering on certain themes, I wasn't sure what to expect here. Having not read the book, I liked this film mostly because of Ewan MacGregor's understated, believable performance as the now grown up, Danny Torrence. Flashback scenes were well timed and amazingly cast as well. My only problem here were the villains who were cartoonish and lame especially Rose the Hat who was neither convincing or scary. All in all, very good film.

7. US (4/5)

I've heard all the complaints but I loved this one. For me, this was even better than Jordan Peele's first film, Get Out. Did a lot of this make sense? Nope! Were there inconsistancies? Yep! For me this was a rare case where the story's origin was so out there, things not making sense was an actual plus, giving the film the feel of true lore. Lupita Nyong'o (Little Monsters) nails another horror performance in the same year making her scream queen of 2019 in my book, delivering another powerful portrayal.

6. Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark (4/5)

Andre Ovredal scores yet another winner with this "anthology" told in a very unique way. The stories are cool and the performances strong but what sets this apart from others of it's ilk is the fact that these stories are interwoven into a singular narrative. Based on the books this film is a lively, entertaining adaptation.

5. Brightburn (4/5)

Is he a superhero or an evil kid? Doesn't matter, but getting to that decisive moment is half the fun. I liked all aspects of this one though I will admit, it seemed to be missing...something, some extra oomph. Regardless it is a very original meshing of horror, comics and sci-fi and should be seen.

4. Zombieland: Double Tap (4/5)

Forget about your Daddy taking your T-bird away, the Beach Boys were right you will have Fun Fun Fun but it will be while watching this near perfect sequel to the original hit. Instead of fcking with the formula, the filmmakers instead continued everything in the same vein including bringing back all four original leads. The story is new but the vibe is the same with all the strengths in place and some quirky, cool new characters. Loved it!

3. Haunt (4/5)

A lot of movies have come out recently with the theme of haunt attractions that become all too real but this one may be the best. I was entertained from the opening scene to the closing credits finding this even better than Houses October Built. Great balance and pacing, creative situations and gore highlight this wild ride into terror.

2. Freaks (4/5)

A rip, roaring action, sci-fi, horror that just boils over with originality. Quite similar in some ways to last years quiet hit, Stephanie, Freaks tells it's tale very carefully only letting the viewer realize the bigger picture in bits and pieces until late into the film. The budget restraints show occasionally but never dulls the effectiveness of the narrative. Who do you root for, who is evil or good? Bruce Dern and Emile Hirsch will help you learn all you need to know. Check this one out!

1. Ready or Not (4.5/5)

Hands down the best horror movie I viewed this year. The cool, lore-ridden story plays out well much to the chagrin of new bride, Samara Weaving who shines here like never before. Horror and comedy seem to play handball with each other and the timing of key moments couldn't be better. This film is proof that larger budget, in theaters horror can still retain an indie vibe while avoiding the "jumptropes" that do in many other movies. The film works on every level. Andie MacDowell is a hoot to watch in a rare horror performance as well.

Well th-th-th-that's all folks. Hope you liked my picks but even if you didn't I would love to hear your own best of candidates. All feedback will be respected. Axes...OUT!!!!

~Jimmy Ray,

Original Reel Horror, Ltd.

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