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  • Jimmy Ray

Bloody Gems: Blood Salvage (1990)

Meet...Jake! He's a rascal!

Blood Salvage is one of those films I rented on VHS back when their were such things as video rental stores. At the time I decided to rent EVERY horror movie they had in alphabetical order. They had a 2/1 deal so I got 4 to 6 a week. I waded through a lot of bad shit but also came across some decent discoveries like this one. BS has to my knowledge never been released on DVD/Streaming and is harder than hell to find. Is it worth the search? Let's be clear, this is not a GREAT flick but it's a pretty fun and campy 90's horror romp with a bevy of quirky guest stars to flavor the broth!

Meet Bobby...he's in a jar!


Twisted tale about a crazy, preaching redneck named Jake who kidnaps people off the highway and performs sick medical experiments on them. He then proceeds to sell their organs on the black market to Mr. Stone. Everything is fine until he kidnaps the handicapped April and finds that she is harder to control than the others.


Danny Nelson

Lori Birdsong

Christian Hesler

John Saxon

Ray Walston

Laura Whyte

Evander Holyfield

Meet John Saxon...horror legend.

The film quality here is decent if dated and the overall production balances the line of well made and cheap with a blood-spattered pogo-stick. Here is your typical tale of lost folks being found by bad people so bad things are done to them. Jake (Danny Nelson) is the real strength here, a very believable if one dimensional killer hick with a hound dog and an axe to grind. His horror lullaby is absolutely chilling! The inclusion of horror veteran John Saxon and wild cameos by Ray Walston and boxer Evander Holyfield (!!!) elevate a standard horror and amps up the fun factor.

Meet Ray Walston...he was Mr. Hand in Fast Times at Ridgemont High!

All in all you could do a lot worse here and should definitely seek out this "lost gem" of 1990. Worth a look for horror buffs who like older and obscure titles and entertaining enough to make you glad you found it.

3 of 5 stars

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